These are only the current members right meow! The band has gone through a lot of different configurations over the years with completely different people, except for Connie of course!

She is the lead vocalist and writer and basically the head of the band, SYSC is practically her baby and has been with it the whole way through. I love her so much, as a fellow transfem hearing the stuff she writes about and seeing her up on stage is some real validating shit! Especially when she calls herself or the audience "faggots" ;W; its the best

Starting as drums and currently one of the lead guitars, Ethan similar to Connie has been with the band pretty consistently but not the whole way through, he's also her brother and before this project they were the heads of the screamo band Flowers Taped To Pens.

AJ is somewhat a recent addition as he's now the current drummer who usually has pretty cool split dye hair, he also is part of the band Buried But Still Breathing.

Taylor has been with the band off and on for a bit but now has consistently been the lead bassist, he often swings he guitar around him which is pretty swag and has hit Connie doing it a few times. He's also apart of the band Mannequin

Timmy has also been with the band off and on and is now consistently the second guitarist, he also does some cool photos and is very silly.